White Belt - The Path to Stripe #1

White Belt - The Path to Stripe #1

The importance of the first stripe in jiu-jitsu cannot be overstated. For many, it will be the
first stripe that leads them on a path to a black belt, a way forward to success. For others, it may
be a good effort that falls short as the student quits. In either case, the result must be the same
- to teach the most important lesson possible as it pertains to the purpose of jiu-jitsu.

As a modern-day martial art, the perspective of most new students is that jiu-jitsu is for
winning street fights, a way for a smaller person to win an encounter against a larger attacker,
or that fighting thing from mixed martial arts shows. In all cases, the uneducated potential student
sees jiu-jitsu as a fighting art. This is why we must always ensure that the new student
is steeped in the knowledge of the most fundamental self-defense techniques in both classic
and modern jiu-jitsu. If they choose to continue training or not, they will have great instruction
in potentially life-saving techniques and also gain incredible insight into leverage and the future
breadth of jiu-jitsu positions and techniques.

In these first lessons, the student will focus solely on standing self-defense-styled techniques.
These moves are perfect for displaying leverage, positioning, and defensive strategies
against would-be aggressors. From the standing positions, the new students will learn how
jiu-jitsu uses submission holds to end encounters, how jiu-jitsu students transition to the ground
for incredible control, and how to counter common scenarios like standing punches, kicks, locks,
and varying grips.

At the end of this first stripe, the students are ready to apply this newfound knowledge to
fundamental ground attacks; many of which will feel much more familiar after completing the first

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White Belt - The Path to Stripe #1
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    1- FRONT BEAR HUG ESCAPE (OVER ARMS): The front bear hug escape incorporates the use of separation by pushing on the hips to stay at a safe distance and the power of the under-hook for the O-Goshi style hip toss to take your opponent down. Always create this separating base to preven...

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  • Self-Defense DAY 15


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