Headlock takedown-koshi guruma
No-Gi Takedown Fundamentals | Andre Galvao
5m 47s
1- Headlock Takedown Koshi-Guruma: The Koshi-Guruma Headlock takedown is an excellent fundamental forward throwing takedown with a similar throwing mechanism as the previous O-Goshi. It is known for you to control the head to pull the opponent into a bent-over position, making your opponent susceptible to a basic hip throw.
2- The entry to the hip throw and headlock takedown is very important. You must ensure you’re not using your arm strength to pull him over you – It is your hip doing all the work!
3- If you try to pull him over you while your hips are above your partner’s hips (like the first photo), your partner can keep a strong base with his hips forward and you will not be able to load his weight onto your hips.
4- Instead, keep your knees bent in a squat and be sure your hips are lower than his.
5- Let them come all the way through past his hips so you have a good angle to flip him over you (as seen in the picture on the right)
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