20 min

20 min

20 min
  • K Guard Pass Using Long Step

    Atos HQ black belt Jonnatas Gracie teaches K Guard Pass Using Long Step, during the fundamentals class on 09/20/2022.

    Jonnatas Gracie received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Europeans Champion; an IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; and a 3x IBJJF World Champion (colored be...

  • Knee Cut From Guard Pull

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Knee Cut From Guard Pull, during the fundamentals class on 09/19/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF W...

  • ADCC 2022: André Galvao shares his feelings with his students

    Unfortunately, Professor Galvao did not win his super-fight in the ADCC 2022, but the students were still proud and excited about the legacy he built. On Monday, he went to Atos HQ to see all the students and share his feelings. Watch it now.

  • Pull to Closed Guard - Kid's Class

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Pull to Closed Guard, during the kids class on 09/19/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF World and Pan ...

  • Reverse Half Guard Back Take

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Reverse Half Guard Back Take, during the advanced class on 09/14/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF Wo...

  • Reverse Half Guard Sweep

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Reverse Half Guard Sweep, during the fundamental class on 09/12/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF Wor...

  • Spider Lasso Passing

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches a Spider Lasso Passing, during the fundamental class on 09/07/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF World...

  • Passing the Spider Guard With Leg Pin

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches how to Pass the Spider Guard With Leg Pin, during the fundamental class on 09/07/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); ...

  • Single Leg X & X Guard Counters

    Mike Perez teaches Single Leg X & X Guard Counters, during no-gi class, on 08/30/22.

    Mike Perez received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2017. He is a Kasai II Grand Prix silver medalist; an IBJJF Pans No-Gi bronze medalist; and a 2x ADCC US Trials Champion.

    Instagram: @pichaelmerez

  • Single Leg X Sweep from DLR

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Single Leg X Guard Sweep From DLR, during the fundamentals class on 08/29/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x...

  • Guard Passing - Kid's Class

    Professor Lucas Pinheiro teaches a Guard Passing, during the kid's class on August 29th, 2022.

    Lucas Pinheiro received his black belt from Carlos Holanda in 2015. He is an IBJJF Pan Champion (Gi and No-Gi); CBJJ Brazilian National No-Gi Champion; and Silver Medalist at IBJJF World No-Gi.


  • Friday Q&A

    Atos HQ black belt Rolando Samson answered questions about the techniques taught throughout the week, during the fundamental class on 08/26/2022.

    Rolando Samson received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2017. He is 2x IBJJF World No-Gi Champion, an IBJJF World Champion, and a UAEJJF Abu ...

  • X Guard Review

    Atos HQ black belt Rolando Samson teaches X Guard Review, during the 615pm class on 08/24/2022.

    Rolando Samson received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2017. He is 2x IBJJF World No-Gi Champion, an IBJJF World Champion, and a UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Champion (all during his colored belts)....

  • Taking the Back from Under Hook DLR

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Back Take from Under Hook DLR, during the fundamentals class on 08/24/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IB...

  • Guard Pull to Under Hook DLR

    Atos HQ black belt Jonnatas Gracie teaches Guard Pull to Under Hook DLR, during the fundamentals class on 08/23/2022.

    Jonnatas Gracie received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Europeans Champion; an IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; and a 3x IBJJF World Champion (colored be...

  • DLR Off-Balance & Attacks

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches DLR Off-Balance & Attacks, during the fundamental class on 08/22/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF W...

  • Friday Q&A

    Atos HQ black belt Rolando Samson answered questions about the techniques taught throughout the week, during the fundamental class on 08/19/2022.

    Rolando Samson received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2017. He is 2x IBJJF World No-Gi Champion, an IBJJF World Champion, and a UAEJJF Abu ...

  • Cross Grip Passing Defenses

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Cross Grip Passing Defenses, during the advanced class on 08/17/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF Wor...

  • Defending Cross Grip Passing & Crucifix

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Defending Cross Grip Passing & Crucifix, during the fundamentals class on 08/17/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); a...

  • Fundamentals from Bottom: How to Keep your Frame Strong

    Mike Perez teaches Fundamentals from Bottom: How To Keep your Frame Strong, during no-gi class, 09/9/22.

    Mike Perez received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2017. He is a Kasai II Grand Prix silver medalist; an IBJJF Pans No-Gi bronze medalist; and a 2x ADCC US Trials Champion.


  • Single Leg X Escape

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Single Leg X Escape, during the advanced class on 08/08/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF World and P...

  • Passing One Leg X

    Atos HQ black belt Jonnatas Gracie teaches how to Pass One Leg X, during the fundamental class on 08/08/2022.

    Jonnatas Gracie received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Europeans Champion; an IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; and a 3x IBJJF World Champion (colored belts).


  • Body Lock | Kids Class

    Professor Andy Murasaki and Coach Rafael Silveira teach Body Lock during the kids, on 08/04/22

  • Crab Ride from Closed Guard

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Closed Guard to Crab Ride, during the advanced class on 08/03/2022.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (brown and purple); and a 2x IBJJF World...