Toreando pass to armbar
No-Gi Takedown Fundamentals | Andre Galvao
7m 57s
The Knee-On-Belly To Armbar: The knee-on-belly to armbar technique combines a bullfighter pass to clear the legs, a knee on belly control over the upper body, and a step over armbar against the defending position. Key to this position is your ability to smoothly transition and establish a ‘heaviness’ that forces the opponent to push you, inevitably setting up the armbar finish.
1- Begin facing your partner. Your partner is on his back with his knees bent off the mat in guard;
2- Reach down and grab both his ankles with a C grip;
3- Push his knees toward his chest;
4- Pull on his ankles to bring his knees away from his chest;
5- Bring his legs to your right and cross-step to his hip with your right foot;
6- As you reach his side, let go of your left-hand grip on his ankle and begin lowering your knee;
7- Stretch your right arm to keep his leg away, and drop your right knee onto his belly. Grab his right arm as he pushes on you;
8- As you put your weight down on his belly, keep his right wrist, and post your right hand on his hip;
9- Step over his head with your left leg, still pulling upon his arm with your left hand;
10- Sit back to your rear and pinch your knees together. His arm is extended. Lift your hips and pin his wrist to your chest. He will tap!
Up Next in No-Gi Takedown Fundamentals | Andre Galvao
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