Knee Cut

Knee Cut

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Knee Cut
  • Knee Cut Pass "Parking the Car" With a Sneaky Armbar

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Knee Cut Pass "Parking the Car" With a Sneaky Armbar, during the fundamental class on 10/13/2021.

    Better your skills with professor Andre Galvao New Course:

  • Squid Guard Sweep to Knee Cut Pass

    Atos HQ black belt Dominique Bell teaches Squid Guard Sweep to Knee Cut Pass, during the advanced class on 04/10/2019.

    Better your skills with Dom Bell.

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 20...

  • Sweep From De la Riva Guard to Passing Using a Knee Cut

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Sweep From De la Riva Guard to Passing Using a Knee Cut, during the fundamentals class on 03/27/2017.

    Better your skills with professor Andre Galvao.

    Andre Ga...

  • Sweep From DLR Guard to Knee Bar With the Option to Guard Pass Using Knee Cut

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Sweep From DLR Guard to Knee Bar With the Option to Guard Pass Using Knee Cut, during the advanced class on 06/22/2018.

    Better your skills with professor Andre Galvao.

  • Sweeping From the De la Riva Guard Going Straight Into the Knee Cut

    Atos HQ black belt Michael Liera Jr. teaches Sweeping From the De la Riva Guard Going Straight Into the Knee Cut, during the advanced class on 02/07/2019.

    Michael Liera Jr. received his black belt from Andre Galvao in November 2014. He is a IBJJF Pan Champion; a IBJJF Europeans Champion; and a ...

  • Big Staple Pass Sweep Variation to Knee Cut Guard Pass & Arm Lock

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Big Staple Pass Sweep Variation to Guard Pass & Arm Locks, during the fundamentals class on 09/20/2021.

    Better your skills with professor Andre Galvao.

  • Passagem de Guarda Cruzando o Joelho

    Faixa preta da Atos HQ Black Belt Kaynan Duarte ensina uma Passagem de Guarda Cruzando o Joelho, durante a aula fundamental no dia 03/23/2020.

    Kaynan Duarte recebeu a faixa preta dele do professor Andre Galvao em Junho de 2018. Ele é campeão Mundial do ADCC, Campeão Pan Americano pela IBJJF, Cam...

  • Modified Knee Cut Pass

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Modified Knee Cut Pass, during the advanced class on 06/15/2020.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Champ...

  • Knee Cut & Toreando Pass After Opponents Pull Guard

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Knee Cut & Toreando Pass After Opponents Pull Guard, during the fundamentals class on 01/04/2021.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Cham...

  • Modified Knee Cut Pass From DLR Guard

    ADCC World Champion Atos HQ black belt Kaynan Duarte teaches Modified Knee Cut Pass From DLR Guard, during the fundamentals class on 03/23/2020.

    Kaynan Duarte received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2018. He is an ADCC World Champion; an IBJFF Pans Champion; a UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Cha...

  • Long Step to the Knee Cut

    Atos HQ black belt Dominique Bell teaches Long Step to the Knee Cut, during the fundamentals class on 09/01/2021.

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2018. He is an IBJJF Black Belt Pans medalist and a IBJJF World and World No-Gi Champion (at Purple & Brown).


  • Knee Cut Pressure Pass

    ADCC World Champion Atos HQ black belt Kaynan Duarte teaches Knee Cut Pressure Pass, during the fundamental class on 01/06/2021.

    Kaynan Duarte received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2018. He is an ADCC World Champion; an IBJFF Pans Champion; a UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Champion; a Kasai P...

  • Knee Cut Pass From Reverse DLR Guard

    ADCC World Champion Atos HQ black belt Kaynan Duarte teaches Knee Cut Pass From Reverse DLR Guard, during the fundamental class on 03/23/2020.

    Kaynan Duarte received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2018. He is an ADCC World Champion; an IBJFF Pans Champion; a UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Champ...

  • Hip Control to Knee Cut - Kid's Class

    Atos HQ black belt Nisar Loynab teaches Hip Control to Knee Cut, during the kids class on 08/25/2021.

    Nisar Loynab received his black belt from Andre Galvao in February 2018. He is an IBJJF San Diego Spring Open Champion; a IBJJF Las Vegas Summer Open Champion; and a IBJJF Portland Open Champio...

  • Reset Knee Cut Pass Details - Kid's Class

    Atos HQ black belt Nisar Loynab teaches Reset Knee Cut Pass Details, during the kids class on 08/24/2021.

    Nisar Loynab received his black belt from Andre Galvao in February 2018. He is an IBJJF San Diego Spring Open Champion; a IBJJF Las Vegas Summer Open Champion; and a IBJJF Portland Open Cha...

  • Reset Knee Cut Pass - Kid's Class

    Atos HQ black belt Nisar Loynab teaches Reset Knee Cut Pass, during the kid's class on 08/23/2021.

    Nisar Loynab received his black belt from Andre Galvao in February 2018. He is an IBJJF San Diego Spring Open Champion; a IBJJF Las Vegas Summer Open Champion; and a IBJJF Portland Open Champion. ...

  • Knee Cut Guard Retention & Modified Kiss of the Dragon

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Guard Retention When Opponent Tries Knee Cut Pass & Modified Kiss of the Dragon, during the fundamental class on 08/23/2021.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles,...

  • Guard Recover Drill From Reverse DLR

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches a Guard Recover Drill when opponent tries knee cut pass, during the fundamental class on 08/23/2021.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American C...

  • Flying Knee Cut - Kid's Class

    Atos HQ black belt Nisar Loynab teaches Flying Knee Cut, during the kid's class on 07/20/2021.

    Nisar Loynab received his black belt from Andre Galvao in February 2018. He is an IBJJF San Diego Spring Open Champion; a IBJJF Las Vegas Summer Open Champion; and a IBJJF Portland Open Champion. He i...

  • Double Kneecut Pass From Spider De La Riva

    Atos HQ black belt Nisar Loynab teaches double knee cut pass from spider de la riva guard, during the 5pm kids class on 07/02/2021.

    Nisar Loynab received his black belt from Andre Galvao in February 2018. He is an IBJJF San Diego Spring Open Champion; a IBJJF Las Vegas Summer Open Champion; and...

  • Long Step to Knee Cut from Lasso Guard

    World Champion Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches Long Step To Knee Cut Pass From Lasso Guard, during the 615pm fundamentals class on 07/02/2021.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champ...

  • Opening the Closed Guard & Knee Cut from Knee Shield Guard

    Atos HQ black belt Andy Murasaki teaches how to Open the Closed Guard & Knee Cut from Knee Shield Guard, during the advanced class on 06/30/2021.

    Andy Murasaki received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2020. He is a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (brown and purple); a 2x European Champion (b...

  • Top Spin Drill With Single Leg Defense

    6x IBJJF Black Belt World Champion Atos Head Coach Andre Galvao teaches Top Spin Drill With Single Leg Defense during 9am fundamentals class on 06/22/2021.

  • Knee Cut Concepts & Drills

    World Champion Dominique Bell teaches knee cut concepts & drills during 615pm fundamentals class on 06/21/2021.

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2018. He is an IBJJF Black Belt Pans medalist and a IBJJF World and World No-Gi Champion (at Purple & Brown).
