10 min

10 min

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10 min
  • Sweep From Closed Guard

    Atos HQ black belt Dominique Bell teaches Sweep From Closed Guard, during the fundamentals class on 12/19/2018.

    Better your skills with Dom Bell.
    Course: https://www.atosbjjondemand.com/products/judo-for-jiu-jitsu-fighters

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2018. He ...

  • Basic Arm Bar From Closed Guard + Plus Stack Defense Details

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Basic Arm Bar From Closed Guard + Plus Stack Defense Details, during the Fundamentals class on 09/03/2018.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and ...

  • Taking the Back From the North South Position

    Atos HQ black belt Lucas Barbosa teaches Back Take From the North South Position, during the fundamental class on 07/19/2017.

    Lucas Barbosa received his black belt from Andre Fabiano in July 2015, before moving to California to train with Andre Galvao at the Atos Jiu-Jitsu Headquarters. He is a...

  • Laça Porco Choke

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Laça Porco Choke, during the fundamentals class on 11/11/2020.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Champi...

  • Leg Drag Andando por Fora

    6X Campeão Mundial pela IBJJF Andre Galvao ensina Leg Drag Andando por Fora, durante a aula fundamental no dia 11/08/2020.

    Andre Galvao é um dos melhores atletas de BJJ de todos os tempos, com 6 títulos de Campeāo Mundial pela IBJJF, 10X Campeāo Pan Americano e 6X Campeāo do ADCC (4X Campeāo Sup...

  • The Wheelbarrow Sweep From Single Leg X

    IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ black belt Dominique Bell explain the details and concepts behind The Wheelbarrow Sweep From Single Leg X, during the 9am fundamentals class on 09/04/2019.

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2018. He is an IBJJF Black Belt Pans medalist an...

  • Nana Neném Sweep from Deep Quarter Guard + Arm Bar

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Nana Neném Sweep from Deep Quarter Guard + Arm Bar, during the Advanced No-Gi class on 10/22/2020.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC ...

  • Sparring: Tye Ruotolo vs Martín González

    Watch Atos HQ Elite Purple Belts Tye Ruotolo vs Martin Gonzalez.

    Tye Ruotolo received his brown belt from Andre Galvao in October 2020. He is a IBJJF World and European Champion in the juvenile division. He also won 4th place at the ADCC World Championship and silver at the 3CG Kumite 5 Grand P...

  • X Guard Sleeve Grip Sweep From Knee Shield Half Guard

    World Champ, Atos HQ black belt Michael Liera Jr. teaches an X Guard Sweep from Knee Shield Half Guard, during the Fundamentals class on 12/04/18.

    Black Belt European Champ Liera Jr. teaches a Knee Shield Sweep Attack. The Knee Shield is a must-have position, anyone can make a great part of the...

  • Anaconda Choke From Back Control

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Anaconda Choke From Back Control, during the Fundamentals class on 11/13/2018.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Championship ti...

  • Andre Galvao vs Ronaldo Jr.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Championship titles (4x as the ADCC Super Fight Champion). He received his black belt from Luis “Careca” Dagmar, having also worked extensive...

  • Swimmers Arm Bar When Opponent Starts to Stack

    Atos HQ black belt Dominique Bell teaches Swimmers Arm Bar When Opponent Starts to Stack, during the fundamentals class on 11/10/2017.

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2018. He is an IBJJF Black Belt Pans medalist and a IBJJF World and World No-Gi Champion (at Purpl...

  • World Champ Jonnatas Gracie & Atos black Belt Juan Cleber Sparring Session

    European Black Belt Champ Jonnatas Gracie vs Black Belt Juan Cleber.

    Jonnatas Gracie received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Europeans Champion; an IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; and a 3x IBJJF World Champion (colored belts).

    Instagram: @jonnatas_gracie

  • Atos Jiu-jitsu Hq Elite Black Belts Andy Murasaki & Gustavo Batista Sparring

    Atos Jiu-jitsu Hq Elite Black Belts Andy Murasaki & Gustavo Batista Sparring Session during 615am comp class.

    Andy Murasaki is a Brazilian-Japanese professional jiu-jitsu athlete who holds the rank of black belt in this sport/martial art, a grade he received from Andre and Angelica Galvao of the...

  • Sweeping Using the Lasso Spider Guard

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches how to Sweep Using the Lasso Spider Guard, during the advanced class on 01/16/2018.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and...

  • Simple Back Take From 5050 "Double Pull" Guard

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2018. He is an IBJJF Black Belt Pans medalist and a IBJJF World and World No-Gi Champion (at brown).

    Instagram: @dubious_dom

  • Guard Passing Agility Warm Up Drills

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches a Cart Wheel Guard Pass Warm Up Drills, during the 615pm no gi fundamentals class on 07/17/2018.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADC...

  • Double Cross Grip Toreando Pass

    Atos HQ black belt Nisar Loynab teaches Double Cross Grip Toreando Pass, during the 5pm Kids class on 10/21/2020.

    Nisar Loynab received his black belt from Andre Galvao in February 2018. He is an IBJJF San Diego Spring Open Champion; a IBJJF Las Vegas Summer Open Champion; and a IBJJF Portland ...

  • Arm Bar From Over Under Defense

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Arm Bar From Over Under Defense, during the Fundamentals class on 03/20/2018.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Championship tit...

  • Squid Guard Entry from DLR + Inverted Lasso Shoulder Lock and Triangle

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Squid Guard Entry from DLR + Inverted Lasso Shoulder Lock and Triangle, during the Advanced Jiu-Jitsu class on 06/12/2017.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Cha...

  • Tye Ruotolo vs Abdi

    Atos HQ purple belt Tye Ruotolo rolling with Abdi, during the fundamnetals class on 12/27/2019.

    Tye Ruotolo received his brown belt from Andre Galvao in October 2020. He is a IBJJF World and European Champion in the juvenile division. He also won 4th place at the ADCC World Championship and sil...

  • Single Leg Defense

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Single Leg Defense, during the advanced class on 02/21/2017.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Champions...

  • Sweep From De la Riva to Ankle Lock

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Sweep From De la Riva to Ankle Lock, during the No-Gi class on 03/13/2019.

    Better your skills with professor Andre Galvao.
    Course: https://www.atosbjjondemand.com/products/no-gi-takedowns-fundamentals-course

    Andre Galvao is o...

  • Technical Sparring Between Atos Brown Belts: Tye Ruotolo & Justin Pierce

    Comp Class Sparring: Tye Ruotolo vs Justin Pierce

    Tye Ruotolo received his brown belt from Andre Galvao in October 2020. He is a IBJJF World and European Champion in the juvenile division. He also won 4th place at the ADCC World Championship and silver at the 3CG Kumite 5 Grand Prix.
