10 min

10 min

4K badge
10 min
  • Side Control Pressure Concepts & Mount Transitions + The Chop Wrist Lock Sub

    15x World Champ, Atos HQ Head Coach Andre Galvao teaches how to the concepts to control and apply the right pressure from side control and a transition to mount, plus a very slick Wrist Lock submission, during the 9am class on 06/26/2019.

    The shoulder pressure is a very important aspect of a su...

  • Foot Stamp Sweep

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Foot Stamp Sweep, during the No-Gi class on 01/02/2020.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Championship t...

  • Taking The Back From Turtle Position & Double Grip RNC Submission

    Atos HQ Black Belt Angelica Galvao teaches Back Take From the Turtle Position With Choke Option, during the woman's class on 11/29/2017.

    Angelica Galvao received her black belt from Andre Galvao in 2014. She is an IBJJF World No-Gi Champion and an UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Champion at black belt, as...

  • Back Take Concepts From Turtle Position

    Atos HQ Black Belt Angelica Galvao teaches, during the class on 11/29/2017.

    Angelica Galvao received her black belt from Andre Galvao in 2014. She is an IBJJF World No-Gi Champion and an UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Champion at black belt, as well as a 2x IBJJF World Champion at brown and purple. She l...

  • Back Take When Opponent Turtles + Clock Choke

    Atos black belt Pablo Mantovani teaches Back Take When Opponent Turtles + Clock Choke, during the Fundamentals class on 11/01/2019.

    Pablo Mantovani received his black belt from Guilherme and Guto Campos in June 2017. He has trained extensively at the Atos Jiu-Jitsu Headquarters with Andre Galva...

  • Using the Long Step to Set Up the Inverted Stack Pass

    Atos HQ black belt Lucas Barbosa teaches how to Use the Long Step to Set Up the Inverted Stack Pass, during the advanced class on 10/17/2017.

    Lucas Barbosa received his black belt from Andre Fabiano in July 2015, before moving to California to train with Andre Galvao at the Atos Jiu-Jitsu Headq...

  • Atos HQ Black Belts Gustavo Batista vs Andy Murasaki

    Atos HQ Black Belts Gustavo Batista vs Andy Murasaki during the Comp Class on 03/15/2021!

    Gustavo Batista received his black belt from Leandro Lo in October 2017, before he moved to California to train at Atos Jiu-Jitsu Headquarters under Andre Galvao. He is an IBJJF World Champion in his divisi...

  • Stack Guard Pass From Reverse DLR

    Atos HQ black belt Michael Liera Jr. teaches Stack Guard Pass From Reverse DLR, during the fundamentals class on 06/25/2018.

    Michael Liera Jr. received his black belt from Andre Galvao in November 2014. He is a IBJJF Pan Champion; a IBJJF Europeans Champion; and a 3x IBJJF World Champion (color...

  • Basic Omoplata Attack From Open Lasso Guard

    Worlds Medalist Gi & No Gi (colored belts) Atos HQ black belt Mike Carbullido teaches an omoplata attack from open guard, during the 6:15pm class on 05/22/2018.

    It's all about combining your techniques, always far seen what can happen next in each situation.

    Mike Carbullido received his black...

  • Stack Pass

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Stack Pass, during the fundamentals class on 11/09/2018.

    Better your skills with professor Andre Galvao.
    Course: https://www.atosbjjondemand.com/products/pressure-pass-defenses-counter-attacks

    Andre Galvao is one of the great...

  • Modified Squid Guard Sweep when Opponent Stands in Closed Guard

    Atos HQ black belt Rolando Samson teaches Modified Squid Guard Sweep when Opponent Stands in Closed Guard, during the Advanced class on 01/18/2019.

    Rolando Samson received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2017. He is 2x IBJJF World No-Gi Champion, an IBJJF World Champion, and a UAEJJF A...

  • Closed Guard Muscle Sweep to Omoplata Sweep + Back Take

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Closed Guard Muscle Sweep to Omoplata Sweep + Back Take, during the Fundamental class on 03/27/2017.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC...

  • Granby Roll

    Atos HQ black belt Jerome “Coach Fred” Leavy teaches Granby Roll, during the No-Gi class on 01/23/2020.

    Coach Fred received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2018. He is a 3x IBJJF World No-Gi Champion; a 4x SJJIF No-Gi World Champion; a 4x All American wrestler in college; a 2x Nati...

  • The Scissors Pass From Hooks Guard to Leg Drag

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches the Scissors Pass from Hooks Guard to Leg Drag, during the Advanced class on 01/27/2021.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Champ...

  • Shin-to-Shin Worm Guard Sweep + Variation From Single X Guard

    World Champion Gi and No Gi - Atos HQ black belt Rolando Samson teaches Shin to Shin Worm Guard Sweep With Variation From Single X Guard, during the 615pm fundamentals/advanced class on 03/15/2018.

    Rolando Samson received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2017. He is 2x IBJJF World No-Gi...

  • 50/50 Escape to Pass and Back Take + Knee Bar

    Atos HQ black belt Nisar Loynab teaches 50/50 Escape to Pass and Back Take + Knee Bar, during the Advanced class on 10/30/2020.

    Nisar Loynab received his black belt from Andre Galvao in February 2018. He is an IBJJF San Diego Spring Open Champion; a IBJJF Las Vegas Summer Open Champion; and a I...

  • Back Take From Side Control With Lapel Grip + Back Recovery Details

    Atos HQ black belt Abdiwell Buul teaches Back Take From Side Control With Lapel Grip + Back Recovery Details, during the Fundamentals class on 10/30/2019.

    Abdi Buul received his black belt from Andre Galvao in April 2021.

  • Spider Guard Using X Guard Hook to Sweep & Defense

    Atos HQ black belt Michael Liera Jr. teaches Spider Guard Using X Guard Hook to Sweep & Defense, during the fundamentals class on 03/26/2018.

    Michael Liera Jr. received his black belt from Andre Galvao in November 2014. He is a IBJJF Pan Champion; a IBJJF Europeans Champion; and a 3x IBJJF Worl...

  • PRESSURE: Concepts & Details For The Best Side CONTROL With Transition To Mount

    Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches how to take the Mount from Side Control, plus some details, during the 6pm class on 06/26/2019.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC Worl...

  • Open Guard Recovery Drills To Tarantula One X Over Head Sweep With Transitions

    IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ black belt Dominique Bell teaches Open Guard Recovery Drills To Tarantula Guard Over Head Sweep, during the 9am fundamentals class on 12/03/2020.

    Dom Bell received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2018. He is an IBJJF Black Belt Pans medalist and a IBJJF ...

  • De la Riva Guard Recovery Drill

    Atos HQ black belt Mike Carbullido teaches De la Riva Guard Recovery Drill, during the basics class on 01/30/2018.

    Mike Carbullido received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2017. He represents the island of Guam, and is one of Atos HQ’s top kid’s instructors.

    Instagram: @mikecarbul...

  • Angelica Galvao Seminar - Kimura Defense To Kimura Lock Attacks

    Atos HQ Black Belt Angelica Galvao teaches Kimura Defense To Kimura Lock Attacks, during a Seminar.

    Angelica Galvao received her black belt from Andre Galvao in 2014. She is an IBJJF World No-Gi Champion and an UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Champion at black belt, as well as a 2x IBJJF World Champion at...

  • Over Under Pass Counter

    6X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Over Under Pass Counter, during the advanced class on 07/24/2020.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Cham...

  • Katagatame Strangle

    6X ADCC World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Katagatame Strangle, during the No-Gi class on 10/20/2020.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Championship...