Roundhouse kick defense
4m 40s
Roundhouse Kick Defense: In the roundhouse kick defense your objective is to catch the knee preferably early and to open your adversary’s knee to the outside to force him to fall. Once he is on the floor he is in a prime location for you to step over his thigh to trap him and finish the standing straight ankle lock. This is a great self-defense technique and introduction to the straight ankle lock submission.
1- Your partner lifts his right foot to throw a roundhouse kick.
2- As his foot swings toward you, catch his ankle with your left arm.
3- Put your right hand on his knee and grab your right wrist with your left hand.
4- Use your hands to put pressure on his knee.
5- Push his knee to the outside to make him fall.
6- Once he falls, keep his ankle in your armpit and finish with a standing ankle lock.