Hip throw-o-goshi to side mount
2m 20s
Hip Throw O-Gosh to side mount: The O-Goshi hip throw is the first takedown you’ll learn in this program. In this technique, the fulcrum is your hips shooting across their hipline, creating a perfect obstacle to hurdle your opponent over. Focus on a deep entry of the hip combined with a strong action of the elbow pull and underhook belt grip.
1- Begin by standing with feet shoulder-width apart facing your partner.
2- Reach for your partner’s right elbow with your left hand and make a grip be-hind his triceps.
3- Pull his arm toward your armpit.
4- Reach under his left arm with your right arm and step so you’re standing on his left side, holding his belt.
5- Step with your right foot in front of him so your feet are on the same line. Squat down so your hips are lower than his.
6- Load him up onto your hip, but make sure your butt is leading the way so you’re not completely square with him.
7- Shuck your hips into the air and twist him over you, keeping your grips on his arm and hip.
8- As he hits the ground, pull up on your partner’s arm to help break his fall. This also sets up a nice armbar later!