ADCC Champ Kaynan Duarte vs No-Gi Pan Champ Ronaldo Jr.
Sparring - Ronaldo Junior
Watch ADCC Champ Kaynan Duarte vs No-Gi Pan Champ Ronaldo Jr. during Comp Class sparring on 02/09/2021!
Kaynan Duarte received his black belt from Andre Galvao in October 2020. He is an ADCC World Champion; an IBJFF Pans Champion; a UAEJJF Abu Dhabi Pro Champion; a Kasai Pro 5 Grand Prix Champion; a Spyder Invitation Grand Prix Champion; and a ACB World Champion.
Instagram: @kaynanduarte
Ronaldo Junior received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Pan Champion; a IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; a IBJJF American Nationals Champion; a 2x IBJJF World Champion (purple and brown); a 2x IBJJF Pan Champion (purple and brown); a IBJJF World No-Gi Champion (brown); and a IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion (brown).
Instagram: @ronaldojuniorbjj
Up Next in Sparring - Ronaldo Junior
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Watch Human Highlight Reel Ronaldo Jr. vs 10th Planet Black Belt PJ Barch during the Comp Class sparring on 02/16/2021!
Ronaldo Junior received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Pan Champion; a IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; a IBJJF American Nationals Champion; a 2x IBJJF ...
Human Highlight Reel Ronaldo Jr. vs C...
Watch the Human Highlight Reel Ronaldo Jr. vs Chase Namba (Purple Belt) during Comp Class sparring on 01/25/2021!
Ronaldo Junior received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Pan Champion; a IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; a IBJJF American Nationals Champion; a 2x IBJJF World ...
Ronaldo Jr. vs Arthur Polina (Purple)
Atos HQ black belt Ronaldo Junior sparring session during comp class.
Ronaldo Junior received his black belt from Andre Galvao in June 2019. He is an IBJJF Pan Champion; a IBJJF Pan No-Gi Champion; a IBJJF American Nationals Champion; a 2x IBJJF World Champion (purple and brown); a 2x IBJJF Pan ...