Chin Strap | No-Gi

Chin Strap | No-Gi

Chin Strap | No-Gi
  • Sweeping and Submitting Using the Chin Trap

    Atos HQ black belt Lucas Barbosa teaches Sweeping and Submitting Using the Chin Trap, during the No-Gi class on 08/22/2018.

    Better your skills with Lucas Barbosa.

    Lucas Barbosa received his black belt fr...

  • Chin Strap Guillotine

    Worlds Medalist Gi & No Gi (colored belts) Atos HQ black belt Mike Carbullido teaches the concepts and details about the chin strap guillotine, during the 6:15pm basics class on 01/23/2018.

    Mike Carbullido received his black belt from Andre Galvao in December 2017. He represents the island of Gu...

  • Chin Strap Guillotine From Side Control

    6X ADCC World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Chin Strap Guillotine From Side Control, during the NoGi class on 01/17/2019.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC...

  • Chin Strap Submission

    5X IBJJF World Champion Atos HQ Head Black Belt Andre Galvao teaches Chin Strap Submission, during the NoGi class on 03/20/2017.

    Andre Galvao is one of the greatest BJJ athletes of all time, with 6 IBJJF World Championship titles, 10 IBJJF Pan American Championships, and 6 ADCC World Championsh...