Belt Promotions
Rare Air:
Every jiu-jitsu practitioner has a unique motivation to train. For some it is to become a World Champion, for others it’s exercise, or just to learn something new. The list goes on. Of the myriad reasons people commit to jiu-jitsu one thing ties them together: personal development.
The culture of an academy contributes to the improvement of each individual on the mat, just as each individual contributes to the culture of the academy. Neil Soderstrom spoke to the “rare air” of Atos HQ, and how it creates a culture of excellence.
So, what is rare air? How is it created? When a group of individuals get together and push each other to raise the bar every day, that is rare air. It doesn’t matter what the goal is or how close or far from it you are. Rare air depends on the mindset and willingness to continue to reach for it. Rare air is when the goal becomes the norm. It allows you to see your progress toward it every day.
From white belts to the world champions who share the mat at Atos HQ they all benefit from and contribute to the rare air that keeps us all improving, on and off the mat.
Coach Fred Leavy Belt Promotion - First Black Belt Degree
Fred Leavy, Atos Jiu-Jitsu HQ wrestling coach, received his first black belt degree today from Professor Andre Galvao. Congratulations coach!
Belt Promotion: Brian Frias Black Belt 1st Degree
Brian Frias received her 1st Black Belt Degree from Andre Galvao.
Black Belt Promotion: Raphael Rodrigues
Professor Andre Galvao promotes Raphael Rodrigues ("Raphinha") to Black Belt. Raphinha has been training jiu-jitsu for 9 years. This is a very well-deserved promotion. Congratulations, Raphinha.
Geoff Villarreal's Black Belt 3rd Degree Promotion
Black Belt Promotion - Rachel Ranschau
During the fundamentals class, Rachel Ranschau received her black belt from professor Andre Galvao.
Kids Belt Promotion & Professor Nisar's Farewell ✨
Last Tuesday (August 2nd), we had our kids belt promotion at Atos Jiu-Jitsu HQ. At the same time, we had Professor Nisar Loynab's farewell. He and his wife Laura Loynab - also an Atos Black Belt - are moving to New York. We are so happy to have had them with us the past years and wish them the be...
Black Belt Promotion Chris Castagnetti
Professor Andre Galvao promotes Chris Castagnetti to Black Belt. Chris has been training since he was 17 years old. He has a long journey as a jiu-jitsu practitioner: 8 years as a blue belt, 9 years as a purple belt, and 3 years as a brown belt. Now he has achieved his black belt! Congratulations...
Black Belt Promotion Meggie Ochoa
Professor Andre Galvao promotes Meggie Ochoa to Black Belt. She is from Philippines and is training this season at Atos HQ. She got second place at the 2022 IBJJF Worlds as a brown belt.
Daniel Sathler - Black Belt Promotion
He became World Champion as a Blue, Purple, and Brown Belt. Now, Professor Andre Galvao promoted Daniel Sathler as a black belt. Congratulations!
Tim Blanchard Black Belt 2nd Degree Promotion
Tim Blanchard is the head of Atos Calgary, Canada. Watch him getting promoted to black belt 2nd degree from Professor Andre Galvao's hands.
Black Belt First Degree Promotion - Dominique Bell
Dominique Bell received his black first-degree belt from professor Andre Galvao on May 11, 2022.
Atos HQ Student From White to Black: Lorenzo Innocenti's Black Belt Promo
Lorenzo Innocenti received his black belt from Galvao. Lorenzo trains at Atos HQ since 2013 - started as white belt.
Congrats Lorenzo!
Belt Promotion Atos Jiu-Jitsu HQ: From Blue to Black Belt 👏🏼
Watch a short movie of the belt promotion at Atos Jiu-Jitsu HQ - January 2022. Congratulations to all the students!
Yuri Dimitrov Receives his Black Belt from Prof. Andre Galvao
Yuri Dimitrov was promoted to black belt by Professor Andre Galvao
Osa Almarwai Receives his Black Belt from Prof. Andre Galvao
Osa Almarwai was promoted to black belt by professor Andre Galvao.
David Yee Receives his Black Belt from Prof. Andre Galvao
David Yee was promoted to black belt this morning by professor Andre Galvao.
Cesar Borrayo Receives his Black Belt from Prof. Andre Galvao
Cesar Borrayo was promoted to black belt by professor Andre Galvao.
Peter Santiago Receives his Black Belt from Prof. Andre Galvao
Peter Santiago was promoted to black belt by professor Andre Galvao.
Neil Fulinara Receives his Black Belt From Prof. Andre Galvao
Neil Fulinara was promoted to black belt by professor Andre Galvao.
Laura Loynab Receives her Black Belt From Prof. Andre Galvao
Laura Loynab was promoted to black belt this morning by professor Andre Galvao.
Kauan "Samurai" Tanino was promoted to Purple Belt by Prof. Galvao
Kauan "Samurai" Tanino was promoted to purple belt on Dec 15th, during the fundamental's class at Atos Hq. The day finally came! This kid is amazing. He has an incredible Jiu-Jitsu and at worlds he had no difficulties to achieve the gold medal winning the final match of the absolute by 28x2 then ...
Demian Balderrama Received his Black Belt From Professor Andre Galvao
Yesterday on Dec 15th, 2021Demian Balderrema received his black belt from Professor Andre Galvao. He's been training at Atos HQ since he was an orange belt. Through all these years, Demian conquered many titles as an athlete. Congratulations, Demian, you deserved that!
Ruotolo Brothers Black Belt Promotion
On December 13th, 2021, 18-year-old Tye and Kade Ruotolo were promoted to black belts under Andre Galvao at Atos HQ
Andre Galvao awarded Kade Ruotolo his brown belt in October 2020. Kade won a IBJJF World, Pan and European Champion in the juvenile division. EBI Combat Jiu-Jitsu Champion, Grapple...
Kids Pan Champion Xio belt promotion - blue belt
Watch professor Andre Galvao promoting one of our Pan Kids Champ Xio.
Xio start training bjj since 5 years old. Today she is 4x Pan Kids Champion.