2023 BJJ Fanatics Camp

2023 BJJ Fanatics Camp

Atos Jiu-Jitsu HQ hosted the BJJ Fanatics Jiu-Jitsu Training Camp Experience for the first time (October 2023).

Andre Galvao, Andy Murasaki, and Lucas Barbosa, alongside Michael Zenga were the main hosts of the event.

We started on Thursday night with some introductions and 10 rounds of 5-minute sparring – just to help everyone get to know each other better.

On Friday morning, Lucas Barbosa taught a No-Gi seminar, showing us the details of his body lock passing system.

He blew everyone’s minds with his deep knowledge of this system.

Later that night, Andy Murasaki showed us how he controls the thigh of his opponent and uses it to take the back.

Afterwards, we had tacos from a taco truck – the best tacos in San Diego! – and on Saturday morning, it was my turn to teach class 💪🏽

Andre Galvao taught a three-hour No-Gi seminar, focusing on the Octopus Guard. The technique was connected with Andy Murasaki’s seminar, which everyone found helpful!

Galvao also did the second seminar that day, giving a special breakdown of his fight against Braulio Estima at 2008 Worlds, where Andre won by submission.

Professor Andre used it as an opportunity to show the importance of breaking grips, of knowing your opponent’s strategy, how to apply pressure at the right moments, how to use your guard to create distance and control your opponent…

We also went deep into what you should do after hitting a sweep on a skilled opponent. Lastly, Andre broke down the flying triangle that used to start the fight 😅

Sunday morning was the last session of the camp. It was a Q&A with Galvao, Andy and Lucas where they answered lots of different questions based on what they learned in the seminar.

We finished with some rolls and then some açaí which we had brought for everyone.

It was a truly incredible experience and it was a real pleasure for us that the guys at BJJ Fanatics chose Atos as the host.

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2023 BJJ Fanatics Camp